Friday, January 22, 2010

Flat Tire on the Fast Track

“He that can have patience can have what he will.” - Benjamin Franklin

An acquaintance of mine bought one of the first DeLoreans to come off the assembly line. It used to belong to John DeLorean himself but he had to give it up. You have probably heard the story of DeLorean’s amazing rise to success in the auto industry with development of the Pontiac GTO and then later his own car make named after himself. But he lost it all; his family, his business and yes, even his car, because he went too far too fast in his pursuit of success. Patience was not a virtue in the fast paced auto industry in which the young and ambitious DeLorean circulated and it may not be in the circles you travel either. Impatience was a major factor in bringing about his downfall; will it bring you down?

What you may not know is that John DeLorean had a major philosophical life-change when he hit the speed bumps of life and reinvented himself as a new person. I think it is safe to say that John learned the truth late in life after he had almost given himself away to his debtors and strangers while traveling down the fast track searching for fame and success.

A very successful and wise businessman once warned me that “you do not go into business but you grow into business.” Take time to build what you want very carefully and thoroughly so it is solid and will resist the bumps in the road that all new ventures inevitably face.

It is never too late to throw our life into reverse if we detect that we are travelling too fast or are on the wrong road. Have courage today. Slow down. Be honest with yourself and work to develop the patience you need to build your own success over time. When we see a door of opportunity, there is nothing wrong with turning the doorknob to see if it will open but a lot of heartache can follow if we break down a door that is locked. I have learned some bitter lessons when I have done this. Being in a hurry to create my success also places a burden on me to sustain that which I have created. On the other hand, when a door is open and I am allowed to go through it without force, I can rest in the knowledge that the timing is correct and the other supporting factors on which I depend are also in place.

“Patiently wait for your success and the results will be greater than you could ever create through the force of your will.”