Saturday, December 12, 2009

Give or Take?

In almost 35 years of experience in the workplace, I have found that it is unusual to find businesses or individuals who give as much as they take. It is understandable that this occurs since we are all scrambling for resources, especially in this current economic environment, but the result will be to brand ourselves as “takers” and not “givers.”

It is far too easy to slip into a mindset of being the only one who has needs and to justify our attitude by the fact that we are doing something important.

To combat this sense of selfishness, I have made it a deliberate goal to give back as often as I can. I attempt to do this, not necessarily in kind, but from what I have. For example, if I am raising money, it is not necessary for me to give the donor an expensive gift in appreciation. But I can invest in them by helping in their personal journey through giving my time and being a genuine and caring friend. If I can help by offering advice or just a listening ear, I try to do so. I proactively seek opportunities to invest in the lives of others; not just selling advice as a consultant but to extend myself to those with whom I interact.

Here are 10 things you can give a friend that won’t cost you a cent!

1. Your heart – everyone needs at least 6 friends to carry them to their grave.
2. Your eyes – honestly tell them what you see from your perspective.
3. Yours hands – maybe you can do them a favor in a time of need.
4. Your ears – listen to them and demonstrate your care for them.
5. Your feet – “go with them” and walk a mile in their shoes.
6. Your nose – tell them what “stinks” if your intuition tells you something smells bad.
7. Your mouth – encouraging words and words of support will go a long way.
8. Your back – there may be a time to withdraw your support if they are in the wrong.
9. Your prayers – talk to God about them and let them know you are doing it.
10. Your experience – don’t let them waste their time learning something you already know.

"Try being a giver as an expression of gratitude for all that you have received and you will be amazed how it blesses you in return"