Using a chain saw, I strategically cut a little wedge from a tree at my summer cottage. It was about 10 inches across and that was all it took to bring down a 40 year old tree that was more than 75 feet tall.
Similarly, little things can swiftly bring down a life that has seemed to stand strong for many years. Pay attention to the little things in your life. Seldom do we make giant strides that get us all the way to where we want to be; it is more likely going to be the sum of many small acts that create the final product of our life.
Just as little bad things add up, so do the small good things. The way we treat people all day long when no one is looking, or the little indiscretions will all come back to haunt us in the end. No good deed is wasted and no harm will be overlooked. There is a day of accountability facing each one of us.
"Little faults can bring you down but small acts of kindness will make you stand strong."
"The good man shall be like a tree planted by streams of water who bears his fruit in season. His leaves will not whither and whatever he does will prosper. The wicked will not stand in the judgment but are like the chaff which the wind blows away."