“Gossip is a sort of smoke that comes from the dirty tobacco-pipes of those who diffuse it: it proves nothing but the bad taste of the smoker.” - George Eliot
Can you control your tongue? Few of us have mastered this small part of our anatomy. You have heard it said, that “the only time some people open their mouth, is to change feet!” A foot is sure to leave a bad taste in anyone’s mouth. Our tongue is a powerful force which can be used for good or evil. Try to master yours if you can.
Some leaders don’t realize the power of the words coming out of their mouth. Everything they say has an impact just by virtue of their personality and position. And because they are in charge, there is often no one who will openly point out their fault.
In college I had a friend who was always criticizing others. It got so bad that I found myself thinking about ways to avoid spending any serious time together. Then it hit me that I had a responsibility to redirect his thinking and behavior. I could be a positive influence in his life that would possibly redirect his negativity. What a blessing to my soul when he commented one day that I had impressed him with how kind my remarks seemed to be about others and that I had caused him to reflect on how he could improve in this area of his own life. The message had come through to his heart without having to preach a sermon to my friend.
When you have something important to say – how do you go about it? When you have something that doesn’t need to be said, can you keep your mouth shut? Putting our foot in our own mouth is only surpassed in recklessness by cramming our ideas down someone else’s throat – both can leave an equally bad taste behind and might even cause someone to choke!
“Learn to harness the power of your tongue and use it wisely.”
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Bad Taste In Your Mouth